A Quarter of Zurich doctors prescribe homeopathy — but don’t believe in it

Via Boing Boing:

Survey: 23 percent of Zurich doctors prescribe homeopathy, but many of them believe it to be a placebo

As the folks at Boing Boing put it:

A survey of 1,500 Zurich canton doctors reported in the Swiss Medical Weekly found that out of the respondents, 23% had prescribed homeopathic “remedies” but only 42% actually believe in homeopathy (a discredited medieval quack remedy that involves giving water to patients that is supposed to “remember” having been in contact with molecules of allegedly helpful compounds that have been diluted out of the dose); 35% of the rest prescribe on the basis that the placebo effect might help their patients.

This is disturbing on two counts: first, that so many doctors believe in homeopathy; and second, that even more doctors are willing to commit a gross breach of medical ethics in prescribing placebos without informed consent….

About Chris MacDonald

I'm a philosopher who teaches at Ryerson University's Ted Rogers School of Management in Toronto, Canada. Most of my scholarly research is on business ethics and healthcare ethics.

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